The American Black Bear
The American black bear can be found in just about every habitat across America. From the great northern woods of Main to the deserts of New Mexico. These adaptable creatures have unique capabilities that allow them to thrive in many different environments.
I have had the pleasure of observing these magnificent animals. While in college I assisted with black bear studies. Finger Lakes Community College and New York department of Environmental Conservation teamed up. Several bears had radio telemetry collars as well as several had GPS Tracking units.
The scientist utilizes these devices to collect home range and travel data. Data showed that the black bear had a large home range. We would collect heath data in the winter by tranquilizing hibernating bears. We would collect weights, lengths, and DNA samples. This data helps scientists evaluate the heath of the population. Scientist can also collect data on cubs that allows population heath growth models determine if growth is good and sustainable. Unique trait that the black bears have is the ability to hibernate. The bears autonomy allows them to produce an antifreeze like substance to keep the blood from freezing in the dormant state. While the body slows its metabolism, heart rate, and breathing to miniscule rates. This state is not like a deep sleep and the bear can come out of it very quickly. Do not approach a hibernating bear. For more interesting facts check out this article
Hunting Black Bears
To make sure that the carrying capacity of the environment is not exceeded hunting is necessary. If bear populations are left unchecked the environment at its tipping point will no longer sustain the bear population. Food shortages and diseases can strike when populations increase above the carrying capacity. Sever droughts can have the same effect.
Black bears are crafty animals with an extremely good sense of smell. These large animals are very territorial as well. With large home ranges. Depending on the state you live in the hunting methods can vary. Please visit your states natural resource web page for details on legal method of take and license requirements. I will discuss the methods I am familiar with.
Scents and Attractants
There are a wide variety of these available to you if your state allows the use. The big box stores like Bass Pro will carry these items as well as being able to find them along. The first attractant bears will like is a spice called Anise. This spice smells like black licorice. Very aromatic and the scent will carry a long way. Sweet smells will also allow you to attract bear if using these liquid style attractants make sure it is legal in your state. Remember its not illegal to sell but it is to use. Amazon has a wide verity to choose from.
When using these items, it is good strategy to pick an area with good bear sign. Following your states regulations. Start applying your scents and attractants before you hunt on a regular schedule. Utilize game cameras to pattern your black bears and when they visit your area. be mindful of the direction of approach so you know which wind to hunt that area in.
After you have a good idea of when and where your bears are coming from. Pick a day with the perfect wind that is blowing in the opposite direction of where the bears are coming from. Utilizing tree stands or ground blinds for your concealment.
Catch them on the Deer Drive
During my states deer season some hunters still practice the old fashion deer drive. These areas do not allow any type of large mammals to be hunted with dogs. So, if you can’t us the dogs you can use people. When these big groups get to moving the deer there is a chance to see a bear or two if you are lucky. I have seen several bears harvested this way and it is effective.
It’s a great way to hunt multiple species at one time. Bears are highly unpredictable is you are not allowed to bait for them and scents that offer no food at the end of the trail will only work a couple times on a smart bear. I don’t see an ethical issue utilizing the deer drive to harvest both deer and bear.
The amount of skill to be successful on a drive is allot more than the naysayers will admit. First you must have the right amount of people or animals will just circle back in between the drivers. Second the watchers must get out in front with out spoking game or alerting them to their presence.
Watchers must know the escape routes and be positioned perfectly for an ethical shot that doesn’t jeopardize the safety of the drivers. Then the hunter must have enough skill to make the shot. This style of hunting is not as easy as it appears.
Bear Safety Matters
These animals are top predators and should be treated and respected as such. Never get between a mother bear and her cubs. She will protect them at all costs. Never chase a wounded bear in the dark. Many of hunters have been injured or mauled trying to recover a wounded bear in the dark. It is safer to wait for day light.
Encountering bears while partaking in other activities. Remember most the time you won’t see the bear they will get out of the area before you see them. when you do encounter them, it is by surprise they didn’t smell or hear you coming. Making noise while hiking can reduce the encounter rate of bears.
For more information on what to do when encountering black bears visit the U.S National Park Service website.,is%20usually%20curious%2C%20not%20threatening.
Thank you for reading. If you would like to listen to a podcast on hunting bears check out
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